Step 1. Add the maven dependency

Dynamap is available on the central maven repository. In your Maven project file add the following dependency:


Step 2. Define a schema

Create this simple schema below and save it to a file in your project resources folder.

    "tables": [
        "table": "User",
        "package": "com.n3twork.dynamap.example",
        "type": "User",
        "version": 1,
        "hashKey": "id",
        "types": [
            "name": "User",
            "fields": [
                "name": "id",
                "dynamoName": "id",
                "type": "String"
                "name": "userName",
                "dynamoName": "un",
                "type": "String"
                "name": "balances",
                "dynamoName": "bl",
                "type": "Map",
                "elementType": "Long"

Step 3. Configure the code generator

Attach the code generator on your schema file and bind this execution to the generate-sources Maven build phase:


Optional: The maven-build-helper can add these generated sources to your classpath:


Step 4. Generate the code

Execute the generate-sources maven goal to trigger the code generation:

$ mvn generate-sources

Dynamap will generate the following 3 java classes:

com.n3twork.dynamap.example.User an interface defining the attributes of the table record
com.n3twork.dynamap.example.UserBean a bean class that implements the interface and is used for holding the data
com.n3twork.dynamap.example.UserUpdates a class that extends the bean class and provides additional methods for mutating the data. It wraps the original bean class and thus retains old and new state

Step 5. Write code to create tables, store, query and update

First create an instance of Dynamap, providing the handle to DynamoDB and a pointer to the schema file:

 AmazonDynamoDB ddb = DynamoDBEmbedded.create().amazonDynamoDB(); // use Local DynamoDB library
 SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry = new SchemaRegistry(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/<your-schema>.json"));
 Dynamap dynamap = new Dynamap(ddb, schemaRegistry);
 dynamap.createTables(false); // create tables, do not delete if they already exist

Create some new data using the generated bean class and save it

 Map<String,Long> balances = new HashMap();
 balances.put("gold", 2);
 balances.put("silver", 2);
 UserBean user = new UserBean("userId1")
                               .setBalances(balances); SaveParams(user));

Get the user object

 GetObjectRequest<User> getObjectRequest = new GetObjectRequest(UserBean.class).withHashKeyValue("userId1");
 User user = dynamap.getObject(new GetObjectParams(getObjectRequest));

Update the user, by incrementing a balance

UserUpdates updates = user.createUpdates();
updates.incrementBalanceAmount("gold", 3);
dynamap.update(new UpdateParams(updates));

Increment the user’s balance without having to read the existing user object first

UserUpdates updates = new UserBean("userId1").createUpdates();
updates.incrementBalanceAmount("gold", 3);
dynamap.update(new UpdateParams(updates));